Thursday, March 02, 2006

Am I a machine?

Well OK, it has been said...

But anyhoo, it appears that Google believes I am. Every friggin search triggers a verification phrase.

I have always had more success at finding things on the net than anyone else I know. Now I know - it's cause I'm an automated search machine.

Now if only I could automate this bloody verification away...


ChittyChittyBangBang! said...

Hahaha... I often wondered about you. Now I know... haha.

kyknoord said...

Is it true you're going to take over the world? If so, could you wait until next week, perhaps?

It is the question said...

FB: Thanks.

CCBT: Now you know. (?)

KN: I took over the world last week. Next week I'm moving onto to bigger things.

Tripeak: It's not questionable - I know them. I don't know you. Are you more successful than me?

It is the question said...

Tripeak: Sorry if that sarcky response came across wrong - I just thought it was funny.